
Blue Dot award 2020

DTU Blue Dot Projects

DTU Blue Dot is the place where students work as engineers.

Across semesters, curricula and fields of study, students work on an engineering assignment.
Blue Dot projects are projects that produce sustainable solutions, and they make high demands on the participants because they run alongside the ordinary teaching schedule.

Why is it called 'Blue Dot'?

The name ’Blue Dot’ refers to the Earth, which—although it is huge—looks like a small blue dot when viewed from space.

While big ideas can appear simple and tangible when seen from the outside, from the inside they are often rather intricate and complex.

The name ’Blue Dot’ thus also refers to an engineer’s ability to remain focused and see the big picture while simultaneously delving into the details in order to solve problems and challenges.

Contact Kit Bjerregaard kbjer@adm.dtu.dk

Conditions for Blue Dot project:

  • A minimum of 10 students are active participants in the project
  • An ECTS-providing teaching course is included in the project
  • The project allows students to use their knowledge from teaching in practice
  • A competition for other similar projects is included
  • The projects must fulfill the Blue Dot characteristics